Decisions, decisions.

31 July 2018

So here is our choice: tour Europe or tour Australia?

Some time ago we decided that when our youngest finished school we’d like to spend a time touring around Europe. As of this writing he is in year 10, so 2 more years before we set off.

This was going to be made possible by becoming house/pet sitters to keep costs down. And, because we both work online we can work from practically anywhere.

We discussed this ourselves and with others for some time, and had been investigating house/pet sitting locally in order to build up our reputation within these systems. However, it became clear after a while that we would have to postpone this travel. Sorry… not “have to” postpone, but “want to“. Both of our fathers are well into their 80’s and of reasonable health, and we didn’t want to be on the other side of the world should either of their health status’ suddenly change.

So the plan morphed. We had thought that after touring Europe for several years we’d buy a caravan and tour Australia as Grey Nomads. We have since advanced this plan and decided to tour Australia now, and possibly holiday in Europe as the budget allows.

So… caravaning?

Neither of us have any experience with this. I once stayed in the annex of a friend’s family caravan for a week as a kid, but that was 40-odd years ago. Like everything else, caravans have changed a bit over that time. We began our quest for information at the Adelaide Let’s Go Caravan and Camping Supersale that was held in July of 2018. We knew almost nothing about this lifestyle, but we at least knew that we didn’t know anything. I hope that makes sense. We went to this show to begin the learning process. What we learned there was that we have much more to learn. We saw caravans of many sizes, weights, styles and layouts, accessories beyond imagining, and any number of on and off road tow vehicles too.

We need to find a caravan design that will suit our needs, which includes the ability for both of us to work at our computers in all kinds of weather (so, indoors). That translates as desk space. And, for both of us – but Megan especially – it also includes a shower and toilet. Fortunately, the bathroom situation is easily catered for in modern caravans. The ability for us to both work simultaneously… not so much.

We also need to source a tow vehicle, as our current Holden Captiva can’t pull much of anything, and quite frankly, I don’t trust it. The nickname of “Craptiva” is well earned, much to our chagrin.

Our next posts will detail the process we have been through for selecting our preferred van and car.

Until then.

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